Friday, December 21, 2012

Thunder Go Boom

     "It's important. But I would like to see us get to a point where this is not a big deal. 
It's a big game against the best team, but this is something we can do.''
-Rick Adelman

     Lovin' this quote by Coach A after the T-Wolves' 99-93 homecourt victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder, owners of the current best record in the NBA and, until last night, a 12-game winstreak. The Wolves need Adelman to talk like this, and the team needs to think like this in order to contend--and not just be happy to rebuild and maybe make the playoffs--this season. With the personnel and coaching assembled on the Minnesota roster, there's no reason that--if at full strength--the T-Wolves couldn't be right there in the Western Conference Finals playing against the Thunder for a trip to the NBA Finals. 
     Five shout-outs from last night's game go to:

     It was nice to see JJ Barea display the cojones. His 14-point fourth-quarter explosion was just the kind of thing the Wolves signed him for, the kind of thing he occasionally did for the 2010-title-winning Mavericks that earned him the four-year NBA contract with Sota. It can be frustrating watching him pound the ball 17 times in a single halfcourt possession without passing only to drive to the hole and throw up some non-foul-getting trash. But when he's hitting that lovely threeball and dishing and gnatting it up on D all while being only 5-foot-8, he's fun to watch. 

     Alexey Shved is shaping right up to be the T-Wolves' missing link at the 2-guard. I'm still salivating at the thought of Shveddy and Rubio eventually getting in sync out there and one-upping each other by flicking beauties to each other and their teammates. Last night's career-high 12 assists to go with a solid 12 points and 7 rebounds was another big step for this 24-year-old rook.

     Made the Thunder look a bit pansy last night. But when the rugged likes of Nikola Pekovic, Andrei Kirilenko, and a less-whiny, more carom-collecting and defensive-minded Kevin Love are going to work for your team, tell me who in the NBA has three skilled bruisers to match? Throw in the woodsy shot-blocking charms of The Steamer and you've got some serious chest hair.
     Love (28 and 11) and Pek (24 and 10) had the stats last night, but here was a game where stats definitely don't tell the entire story because Kirilenko was most the Wolves most valuable frontcourt player. He only had 9 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, no blocks, no steals, and the man he was assigned to for much of the game was OKC's Kevin Durant, who scored 33 points. But AK 47,000 does the little things. Spaces the offense by being in the right place. Back cuts to keep the opposing D honest. Is a threat to nail a threeball. Wears on his man, playing straight up, don't need no help D. Fouls at smart times. Gambles at right times. Boxes out his man so somebody else can get the sexy rebound. Gets on the floor. Talks to Kevin Love at the free throw line. Smiles when it's appropriate--you know, like to lift your teammates' spirits. Hustles. Has an extra sensory mode he can call on with fellow Russian Alexey Shved. It wouldn't surprise me if, after the game, he runs down to the laundry room to get towels for the guys if they're short in the locker room, or double-knots Pek's snowboot laces for him, or gives an extra sweater out of his duffel bag to any teammate who hasn't dressed properly for the Arctic weather. 
We three kings of orient are
Tra-veled o-ver to Johan's Bar

     Got in some one-on-one-on-one with two fellows of quality fabric. Even though neither drank enough beer for my liking, Thursday night be damned, they got me out of Katotown for some much-needed hangtime and discussion. 
     Sometimes I feel like if I could get in a gym and play just a single best-of-seven series of one-on-one b-ball versus these guys per week, each game by 1s and 2s up to 9 points (win by 2), my life would be instantly better. They'd have to get used to me beating them regularly again, of course, but the exercise would be good for them, would offset the pain of being defeated time and time again.

     Cheers to Belle Plaine's homey Johan's, last night's meeting den for the game. Never been there before, but after last night's visit I can certainly say I wouldn't hesitate to go there again. A good halfway meeting point between Kato and the Twin Cities, for sure. May I recommend the Beaver Burger? The Nordeast or Sam Adams on tap? Maybe some bingo against the locals?

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