Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Suite Life at Target Center

Contributed by guest columnist Dan Best

The Wolves came up short again last night thanks to a marginal effort for the first three quarters.  The final score will indicate a tight two-point loss over the now reformed Jailblazers, with a big stat line for Rube.  That, however, was not at all indicative of the quality of the game.  I happened upon a ticket as part of work related function, which usually means a suite, or at least premium seating, and seems to be the only way I take in professional sports anymore.  Having grown accustomed to such treatment and amenities, I find it exceedingly hard to plunk down any of my own earnings for the cheap seats (which really aren’t that cheap).  This means that last night was my first game of the season (actually first in a couple seasons). 
Kieran’s was the pre-game gathering spot.  As I finished my last pint I glanced through the window and reflected on a fine evening or two spent across the street at O’Donovan’s before the Block E monstrosity went up and also wondered at the necessity of two Irish bars in such close proximity in a land still largely populated by Scandinavian-Germanic descendants.  Plied with drink we proceeded across the skyway to the warm embrace of a corporate suite and a mish-mash of the standard sports bar/arena fare.  After a pass or two through the mini-buffet we were briefly descended upon by a small gaggle of cheerleaders, who dutifully chatted up the guests and gave their most cleavage-baring poses for a quick round of pictures before moving on.  They were unfortunately the only things lively about the place.  A small, lethargic crowd in an ugly facility does not provide much of a home court advantage. 
By this time, the Wolves had limped out to healthy ~10 point deficit, which they managed to maintain into the half.  Perhaps, had the home team come back out with some of the effort on display during the halftime musical chairs contest, they wouldn’t have built themselves as a big a hole to dig out of in the fourth quarter.  As it was, they tried to make a game of it down the stretch thanks to some solid individual play from Rick (apart from his final shot attempt of the evening) and JJ over the last three minutes when things finally got rolling.  Unfortunately, the conclusion was less than satisfying. 
While I’ll be the first to admit to a lack of complete attentiveness throughout much of the game, it seemed a very quiet 14-assist night for Rick.  Cunningham was also quiet in padding his stat line, thought it was certainly welcome since we were down a Russian for a sizeable chunk of the game.  Lilliard was involved and aggressive for the Blazers, if not a bit reckless.  Didn’t look like ROY material to me, but a small sample size on my part.  As for the Wolves, still some pride and effort, but they seemed doomed to another lost season until they start playing a full game on an every-night basis.

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