Thursday, February 21, 2013

Flexing The Pek

  It was sure nice to see Nikola Pekovic bulldozing the Wolves to victory Wednesday night over the 76ers. The Big Montenegran With the Scary Tattoo whomped Philly for 27 points, 18 boards (7 offensive), 2 blocks, and 5 meaty personal fouls, and prompted a great quote from his point guard, Ricky Rubio, who said, "If you play physical with Pek, you're in trouble because he hits the weight room. His arm is as big as my head."
Pek battling Philly's Allen
  Another thing I liked hearing about Pek was that he stayed in Minnesota over the weeklong All-Star break to go ice fishing. Not to warmer climes to sit on the beach, not to Vegas to gamble and cavort with strippers, not back to Montenegro to visit family. It's a fine thing to immerse yourself in your current setting, to "be" as Henderson the Rain King proclaims as healthy in Saul Bellow's novel. Pek "was" in the game last night.
  Ricky's playing better and better, too--always about 20 times more aware than everyone else on the court, seemingly. He's getting those sniping steals to go along with his unsurpassed surveyability, and he's even hitting a J or two. Derrick Williams has improved, too. You can see the confidence starting to come with more successful drives to the rim and board-crashing decisions. Still wish he'd sharpen his elbows a little, metaphorically. Wonder if the Wolves are plumping his trade value.
  Would love to see these guys go on a tear to get back to a .500 record in the next month or so before KLove returns. Would love to be in that playoff mix.

TRADE WINDS... Would anyone else trade DWill straight up for Evan Turner if the 76ers agreed? We need a 2-guard, and they need to replace Andre Iguodala ... Would anyone else trade KLove for Pau Gasol right now? They're both hurt, coming back at similar times (in about a month), making similar coin. Yeah, Love's much younger, but Gasol seems to fit the Adelman Plan of Win Now. I'd do it, and it seems like the Lakers are desperate. It'd open up a spot for DWill, at least, if we keep him, and give the Wolves legit experience, something sorely lacking since Brandon Roy, unfortunately, never panned out in that role of salty veteran... Would anybody deal JJ Barea and/or Luke Ridnour for any of the following: JJ Redick, Ben Gordon, Jordan Crawford, or Kevin Martin (all said to be on the block)?

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